Eli Fulkerson .com HomeProjectsOrphan-object-groups



orphan-object-groups is a python script for parsing Cisco ASA config files. It provides a report of object-groups that are not referenced in either an access-list or another object-group. For object-groups that are not orphans it will display a list of references. Additionally, it can generate the commands to prune unused object-groups and can generate a list of object-groups that *will* be orphaned if rules referencing a particular IP address were to be removed.


  orphan-object-groups [options]

--orphans, -o           Display list of orphans only
--reap, -r              Generate the 'no' syntax to remove orphaned objects
--file=FILE, -f FILE    Specify an input filename (otherwise we use first arg after options)
--parent=PARENT, -p PARENT
                        Display orphans as if all lines including (string) PARENT have been removed.
--help, -h              Show this help message and exit.


Listing directory https://download.elifulkerson.com/files/orphan-object-groups/0.1: orphan-object-groups May 01 2018 13:48:52 4677 Python script, ASCII text executable orphan-object-groups.asc May 01 2018 13:52:04 801 GnuPG signature orphan-object-groups.md5 May 01 2018 13:52:04 55 MD5 checksum orphan-object-groups.sha1 May 01 2018 13:52:04 63 SHA1 checksum orphan-object-groups.sha256 May 01 2018 13:52:04 87 SHA256 checksum orphan-object-groups.sha512 May 01 2018 13:52:04 151 SHA512 checksumBrowse the download server